Who we are!

President - Emily Scott
Vice President - Melissa Roe
Secretary - Amanda Forni  

So by now its probably safe to assume you have heard of the University of Chester Rotaract Society but you still might be wondering... Who are we?

It’s probably best to first explain what exactly Rotaract is…
 Rotaract is a non-profit volunteering organisation for those aged 18-30 who have a passion for helping others and bettering their community. Rotaract clubs generally meet up on a weekly basis to discuss plans and future ideas and often engage in socials, volunteering and fundraising opportunities.
As a worldwide organisation, Rotaract stems from the Rotary organisation and therefore often have connections with their local Rotary group who may give advice and sponsor them when it comes to community projects or charity fundraisers.
To find out more about Rotaract in general follow this link: https://www.rotaract.org.uk/

The University of Chester Rotaract society has been up and running now since  29th October 2013. Although still reasonably young we are gaining more members by the day, however we still would love to find many more people to join and help the society grow and develop. As a society so far we have carried out many successful fundraisers, including most recently the climb of the Millenium Dome in London to raise money for ending polio and walk for water (you can read more about this here http://universityofchesterrotaract.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/Fundraisers), and we are also soon hoping to become involved in some exciting community projects. However like all societies we love a good social (in particular ones that involve eating Nandos) and have some fun trips and events to look forward to in the coming year, including a trip to Belfast in April for the National Rotary Conference!

Some of our society members attempting to spell out Rotaract!
If you love to meet new people, make a difference and help others, this could be the perfect club for you! If you are interested in joining or want to know more head over to the ‘Contact Us’ page and get in touch- we would be happy to hear from you and answer any questions!

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